About the Department
Considering that effective treatment starts with a correct diagnosis, radiology departments undoubtedly play a vital role in hospitals.
undertakes. A broad spectrum of radiology physicians, radiology technicians and medical secretaries
All radiological procedures are performed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in our clinic.
Today, X-ray devices that obtain images using X-rays, computed tomography (CT), mammography,
fluoroscopy, ultrasonography (US) powered by sound waves, and radio waves, a large magnet
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and angiography devices are widely used in the diagnosis of diseases.
is used.
Our devices used in our hospital:
•1.5 Testa Magnetic Resonance device
•Uttrasonography (US)
• Color Doopter Ultrasonography
•Digital X-ray (DR) device
•Mobile Digital X-ray device (portable)
•Digital Mammography
•Multi-Slice Computed Tomography (2x64 detector)
•Bone Densitometry (Bone Density Measurement) device is available.
Direct radiological examinations are performed with digital x-ray systems according to their characteristics in the Department of Radiology. This
When examinations are necessary, portable radiography devices that can be carried to the patient's location,
In the operating room, it can also be done with a C-arm fluoroscopy device.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Magnetic resonance imaging device of organs, soft tissues, bones and all other internal structures
It uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to create its images. Does not contain radiation
There is no harm to the patient. There is a 1.5-Tesla Siemens altea MR device in our department. This
With the device, continuous shooting can be done 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The duration of MRI examination varies according to the region where the examination is performed, the number of regions, and the pre-diagnosis, and takes 5 minutes. with 45
min varies between In addition, in some cases, it is necessary to improve the image quality and improve the diagnosis.
In order to increase the reliability of the examination, contrast material is given from the vein during the examination with contrast.
can be done.
Since MRI is the imaging method with the highest soft tissue resolution, it is especially important for soft tissues.
used for viewing. In sports injuries, musculoskeletal system, especially meniscus, herniated disc
It is frequently used in the detection of diseases and in the evaluation of all kinds of neurological diseases. in the routine
In addition to frequently used MRI techniques such as brain, neck, spine, thorax, abdomen, musculoskeletal, prostate MRI,
Advanced MRI examinations such as diffusion MRI can be performed. MR angiography with both contrast and
it is possible to visualize body veins without using contrast.
MRI has no proven harm on living organisms so far.
This includes pregnant women. However, MRI in the first trimester of pregnancy, when organ development occurs
not recommended. In case of absolute medical necessity, the patient can be informed and the shooting can be done. Extra preparation for MRI
There is no need. Before the MRI is taken, the patient fills and signs a medical history form.
required. In addition, before entering the MRI room, watch, credit card, mobile phone,
key, necklace, earring etc. It is obligatory to remove the materials and leave them in the locker rooms. the smallest one
The patient remains motionless during the examination period due to the fact that the movement causes distortion in the MR images.
is necessary.
Not using ionizing X-rays, image in any desired plane without changing the patient's position.
can be taken, the soft tissue discrimination power is high, the structures adjacent to the bone can be examined very well (head
base, brain stem, spinal cord, joints), blood flow can be visualized without the use of contrast material and
The main advantage of MRI is that the contrast agent used is safer than iodinated contrast agents.
are the features. The most important disadvantage is that due to its strong magnetic field, pacemaker, neurostimulator, cochlear implant,
in the presence of magnetic foreign bodies in the eye and old ferromagnetic intracranial aneurysm clips
examination is not possible. Having a magnet or a foreign body in the body, carrying a metal prosthesis, a pacemaker
Informing the MRI technician about this issue before the examination by people who use gunshot wounds
is of vital importance. Patients with claustrophobia cannot enter the tunnel of the MRI device. indoor place
MRI in patients with fear, small children - infants and patients who cannot stay still in the shooting room
With the help of compatible anesthesia devices, a safe and high-quality shooting can be performed.
Multislice (MDCT) Computed Tomography (CT)
To create a cross-sectional image of the examined area of the body using computed tomography X-ray
It is a radiological diagnostic method. CT is based on the X-ray machine. Multiple aspects of a body area
A number of two-dimensional X-ray images are taken and a two- and three-dimensional image of the inner structure of that region is obtained. IT
During the examination, the patient lies on the table of the CT device without moving. The X-ray source is around the patient to be examined.
The portion of the X-ray beam crossing the body is detected by the detectors while performing a 360-degree rotation.
The data obtained by detecting the data are processed with the help of a computer and images are created. Generated digital
images can be viewed on the computer screen. In addition, images can be transferred to film or CD as well as when needed.
permanently stored in PACS for display back on the computer screen. Depending on the type of review to be performed
The patient may be asked to drink contrast material as well as injecting contrast material through the arm veins. Contrast
Because the substances contain iodine, it may cause allergic reactions in some people. Technician prior to patient examination
or to the radiologist whether you have ever had an allergic reaction to such substances and, if any, other
must report an allergy to substances. Since X-ray is used as the method, there is a risk of radiation. However
For patient safety, imaging is obtained by minimizing the radiation dose in multislice technology.
is being done. Examining patients with suspected pregnancy as X-rays may harm the unborn baby
Before starting the preparation, the doctor or technician should be informed about this issue.
In our department, there are Simens go.top with 128 sections and Simens spirit brand BT devices with 2 sections. 128 slice CT
It shortens the examination time considerably and enables much more detailed images to be obtained. thorax, abdomen,
neck, brain, spine and extremity imaging as well as brain, neck, lung,
Imaging of all body vessels such as heart and abdomen can be done quickly. So classic
It is possible to diagnose vascular problems without the need for angiography.
With the multi-section CT devices offered by the developing technology, the speed of the examination has increased and the cross-section of the images created by the device has increased.
thickness is thinned. In 15-20 seconds, which is a single breath-hold time, the whole body area is cut in 0.5 mm slices.
being displayed; Sections in different plans, 3D anatomy and
details can be revealed. Thanks to the increase in the examination speed, those requiring breath-holding such as the abdomen and lungs
In the examinations, the breath-holding time is shortened. Due to its easy accessibility and short examination time
It is one of the most used diagnostic methods in radiology.
IT Usage Areas
• Emergencies
It is especially suitable for trauma patients because it can display the whole body in a short time with multi-sections.
It is preferred in fractures and organ injuries. Cerebral haemorrhage before starting treatment in stroke patients
Its presence is determined by CT. In showing pulmonary vascular occlusion in rapidly developing respiratory problems,
in revealing sudden onset circulatory system problems, showing the cause of abdominal pain such as appendicitis, and
It provides invaluable information in the diagnosis of post-surgical complications.
• Cancer
Lung cancer is the most common and the most common cause of death cancer. Smoking, COPD, occupational respiratory diseases
Early diagnosis and treatment of cancer is of critical importance in high-risk patients such as Lung tomography
revealing the presence of the tumor and its relationship with the surrounding structures, lymph node enlargement, tumor spreading to other organs
It is a very effective and valuable diagnostic method in demonstrating its spread. large intestine, stomach, biliary tract, liver and
Pancreatic cancers are also among the first in the list of cancer deaths. Presence of cancer with CT,
Its spread to nearby and distant organs can be easily detected. Information about cancer spread and stage
information guides doctors about the treatment to be applied for cancer, and guides them to surgical treatment, chemotherapy, RF.
ablation therapy, chemoembolization, radiotherapy, or certain combinations thereof
It helps them decide whether or not to use it. Especially like virtual endoscopy and virtual colonoscopy.
Thanks to the developing technologies, in high-risk patients, such as screening for screening or colonoscopy, disturbing the patient.
It is used with increasing frequency as an alternative to operations.
Cardiac tomography/Coronary CT angiography, anatomical analysis of the heart, particularly regarding the coronary arteries
disorders, heart membrane diseases, valve and prosthetic valve diseases and many heart diseases.
It is a tomographic examination taken using contrast material, which is used as a guide in the treatment planning of the disease.
display method.
With a 2x64 section CT device, no prior preparation is required, no catheter, and only one breath holding time.
veins can be seen. Coronary CT angiography is easier and faster than conventional angiography.
It is a new groundbreaking diagnostic method in the field of imaging, as it can be performed and can be performed bloodless and painless.
It eliminates the need for hospitalization. The patient continues his normal daily life after the procedure. This
Thanks to the system, coronary angiography of people with risk factors can be easily performed. Coronary CT
Thanks to angiography, coronary artery disease of many patients is detected and treated at an early stage.
When a successful extraction is performed with coronary CT angiography, it gives a high level of information almost as in angiography.
an image can be obtained. In fact, only the inside of the patient's vessels is seen in invasive catheter angiography, while Coronary CT
The vascular wall of the patient can also be seen on angiography. Thus, the structure of the plaques in the vessels can be analyzed.
Although it takes only 5-6 minutes, informing the patient, opening the vascular access, giving the necessary drugs
It takes as little as 40 minutes in total with the steps such as the process and the process.
The advantages of coronary CT angiography are listed as follows:
1. Image quality is very high.
2. It is frequently preferred in coronary artery disease because it gives high resolution10 images. complicated and
It also provides advanced information on anatomy and vascular connections in simple congenital heart diseases.
3. Since it takes a short time like 5-7 minutes for shooting and there is no noise problem like in MR
does not inconvenience patients.
4. There is no pain during and after the procedure.
5. People who have undergone stenting or bypass surgery, or who are not known to have coronary artery disease before
It can be used safely in the patient group. Detailed information about coronary anatomy and stenosis levels can be obtained.
After the patient is informed about the procedure, he is asked to fill out a consent form. Subsequently, the patient
If there is no creatinine value measurement, blood is taken from the patient on the day of the procedure and the creatinine value is checked.
The creatinine value is important as a contrast agent will be given during the procedure.
The patient's vascular access is opened and he is placed on the stretcher inside the tomography device. If necessary, heart rate via vascular access
Medications are given to adjust. Breath commands are explained to the patient. Because the patient does not breathe properly and the image
If it cannot be fixed, situations that reduce the shooting quality called 'artifact' may occur. In such a case, the operation
it will not be valid because coronary artery structures are very thin structures and a disorder that will occur in the image will be seen by the doctor.
may mislead. Therefore, the breath commands are practiced beforehand and how much of the breath-hold and heart rate
looks like it fell. However, due to the contrast agent given, the patient's body temperature, urinary incontinence sensation,
You may have a metallic taste in your mouth. The patient is informed about these in advance so that he does not panic during the procedure and increase the heart rate.
is given. If the patient knows these in advance, there is usually no problem. Because the cardiac tomography process is very short
It is not a problem even for patients with claustrophobia.
Another important issue in tomography is the patient's heart rate. thanks to the drugs he was using before the procedure or
It is desired that the heart rate be around 60 with the drugs given intravenously that day. Otherwise, the artifact name
You may encounter situations that degrade the given image quality.
In addition to all these, the medications taken by the patient beforehand should be questioned in detail. Sexual potency, especially before the procedure
It should definitely be known whether he uses certain drugs that increase it. If the patient is taking this group of drugs recently
If there is a history of use, it is decided by the doctors whether the procedure will be performed or not. Because these drugs
In the case of simultaneous use of the sublingual spray to be given to the patient during the procedure, the blood pressure will be seriously affected.
can fall. This can be life-threatening. For this reason, patients who use sexual power-enhancing drugs before
Giving information is very important.
There are two important points to note regarding this issue. Cardiac tomography radiation
Contrast media may be dangerous in the patient group with renal failure.
In our center, according to the body surface area of our patients, their body structure and the degree of calcification in their veins.
Techniques are applied to ensure that the minimum level of radiation is taken according to the requirements. contrast agent
The amount is kept to a minimum considering the characteristics of the patient.
Which patients should not undergo cardiac tomography/coronary CT angiography?
Since contrast material is used in the procedure, the patient's physician and physician must be consulted in patients with chronic kidney failure.
The procedure should be decided by making a preliminary evaluation by the nephrology. In patients with small diameter stents,
coronary CT angiography will not yield optimal results. For cancer patients who prefer not to receive radiation if
If tomography is required, the shooting is performed by being cautious about taking the minimum radiation dose.
Apart from this, the procedure can be applied to all patients.
What should be considered after cardiac tomography/coronary CT angiography?
In a patient with kidney problems, it may be necessary to give fluids for a while before and after the procedure. From the process
Afterwards, patients who are not found to have heart failure are asked to drink 2-2.5 liters of water. This app contrast
It allows the substance to be easily removed from the body. After the procedure, patients should not stand up suddenly.
Once they are allowed to sit for a while, the pulse and blood pressure are checked. In cases such as dizziness, low blood pressure
The patient is kept under follow-up for the necessary intervention. Then the reporting process can take 1-2 days.
Is it possible to stay near pregnant or small children after cardiac tomography?
Since the heart tomography does not contain a radioactive substance, as in the procedures performed in Nuclear Medicine, after the procedure
No need to pay attention to anything.
Is there any pain in the heart tomography procedure?
No, no pain is felt.
Is there a risk of allergy in cardiac tomography?
Since allergy may develop due to the contrast agent given in the procedure, the patient has a history of allergy before the application.
are taken in detail. In case of allergy, the procedure is performed after the protective drugs are given and the patient is treated.
are kept under surveillance for a longer period of time. Allergy in patients with a history of serious allergies such as anaphylaxis.
The precautionary measures that can be taken beforehand are discussed.
These are examinations made using X-rays. Our hospital has a digital x-ray machine and a portable x-ray machine.
The images taken are digital and instantly available in our hospital in DICOM format via the PACS system.
can be viewed.
• Lung X-ray and Telecardiography: Lung, heart and other chest structures are evaluated.
• Vertebra X-rays: It is taken to evaluate the spinal bone structures.
• Bone and Joint X-rays: Bone fractures, masses or rheumatic diseases such as bones and joints
examinations to evaluate.
• Extremity X-rays: It is requested to evaluate the arm and leg bones. Leg length radiograph in our hospital
can be drawn.
• Head X-rays: Often taken on trauma patients to evaluate the skull and facial bony bones.
• Paranasal Sinus X-rays: It is the examination applied for the evaluation of sinus structures and the diagnosis of sinusitis.
• Direct Urinary System X-ray: It is used to evaluate urinary system stones.
• Standing Direct Abdominal X-ray: It is the first examination to diagnose intestinal obstruction and perforation.
Ultrasound (US) and Doppler
There are 2 toshiba aplio 400 model ultrasound and Doppler devices in our department. Not X-ray for ultrasound,
sound waves are used. High-frequency sound from the traveling part (probe) of the device that is inaudible to the human ear
waves come out. These waves are reflected back as they pass through mediums of varying densities inside the body. this is back
The reflections are collected by the part we call the probe and are turned into an image by sending the device to my computer.
Since sound waves do not contain X-rays, there is no radiation effect. No harmful effects on humans
can be repeated as often as desired. Since the application is easy and harmless, the internal organs
It is frequently used in imaging and diagnosis of diseases. Ultrasound transmits sound waves
Since it does not conduct well, it cannot visualize organs and bone structures containing air or gas. Ultrasound is most common in the abdomen
liver, spleen, gallbladder, biliary tract, pancreas, kidney, bladder, uterus, ovaries and prostate examination
using for. Especially because of abdominal pain, gallbladder and biliary tract and genitourinary diseases
It is used as the first imaging method in the evaluation of
The second most common usage area is pregnancy and gynecological diseases. Ultrasound during pregnancy is the baby's development is normal.
It's the best way to find out if it's not. A proven side of ultrasound on the baby so far
effect has not been reported. Therefore, ultrasonography can be used safely during pregnancy. Ultrasound during pregnancy
The disadvantage is that the baby cannot show all of the abnormalities. Apart from that, neck, thyroid gland, salivary glands,
reliable diagnosis in the evaluation of breast, muscles and joints, penis and testicles, and superficial soft tissues.
Color Doppler ultrasound is a combination of classical ultrasound and Doppler system. Color Doppler
By color coding the blood flow, US shows the presence of blood flow in the vessels, the direction and speed of the flow.
It is a US technique.
In the diagnosis of arterial and venous diseases and the vascularization of the masses detected in the body.
used in the evaluation. Especially in the recognition of vascular diseases such as vascular occlusion and vans.
It is easy to use and a reliable diagnostic method if done well.
Mammography is a type of x-ray film and is the most effective imaging method used in breast cancer screening.
There is a Simens mammomat fusion digital mammography device in our department. breast cancer in women
It is the most common type of cancer and early diagnosis is very important. Cancers of the breast that are too small to be detected by examination
Early detection of breast cancer is possible with mammography examination.
American Cancer Institute, Minya Health Organization and Turkish Radiology Society, women over 40 years old, every year.
He recommends getting a mammogram. Routine mammograms before the age of 40 are excluded, except for high-risk patients.
not recommended.
During the shooting, the nozzles must be compressed between the two plates on the device. In this way, the breast
By preventing the tissue from overlapping, the appearance of the masses is ensured. This compression improves image quality.
It also reduces the radiation dose to be exposed during the examination. For this reason, mammography
It is recommended to withdraw between the 7th and 14th days of menstruation, which is the period when the sensitivity is the least. sweat, perfume,
deodorant, powder etc. showering before having a mammogram and such
It is recommended not to use substances
Bone Mineral Density Test (Bone Densitometry = DXA)
There is a GE prodigy brand and model bone mineral densitometer device in our department. bone structure
minerals such as calcium and phosphorus constitute a significant part of it. Bone densitometry scan, bone mineral density
It is a test performed to measure and evaluate the loss of bone mineral density. bone density
The purpose of the (density) measurement methods is to determine the quantitative ratio of this mineral part of the bone. in bone
the greater the loss of minerals, the lower the density is measured, in this case the bone mineral density
decreased, that is, osteoporosis is interpreted as occurring. This test measures calcium loss in bones.
It is used for the diagnosis of osteoporosis. A very small amount of radiation is used during this process. Used
the amount of radiation is extremely small, like one-tenth of a lung film.
PACS (Image Archiving and Communication System)
Permanent images of patients taken by devices such as MRI, CT, x-ray, mammography, fluoroscopy, angiography
used for storing, recalling when requested, distribution and presentation in desired computers and areas.
software or networks are called PACS.
The most used format for storing medical images is DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine) format. PACS systems have two main uses. The first of these is x-ray film printing and
is to eliminate movie archives that require serious storage space. Images taken in the same health center
Having instant access is another advantage of PACS over movie archives. Second, the images
providing remote access. It is possible to access and report images from outside the PACS health center.
has made.
Thanks to teleradiology systems, it is possible to access images and information from the other end of the world.
is coming. Our hospital has the latest system PACS and your images are safely stored and stored.